certificate.crt should be in POM format, not in DER format, so do not use openssl x509 -outform der -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/cert.pem -out ssl-cert/certificate.crt
cd /home/ARIS10
mkdir -p ssl-cert
rm -f ssl-cert/*
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/fullchain.pem ssl-cert/certificate.crt
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(hostname -f)/privkey.pem ssl-cert/certificate.key
cd ssl-cert
zip -9 ../ssl-cert.zip *
cd -
acc10.sh -h localhost stop loadbalancer_m
acc10.sh -h localhost enhance loadbalancer_m with sslCertificate local file "/home/ARIS10/ssl-cert.zip"
acc10.sh -h localhost start loadbalancer_m
Configuration via Web interface
Login by default username “system” and password “manager”.
Edit default users and change their passwords:
“system” user with default password “manager”
“superuser” user with default password “superuser”
“guest” user
Import licences.
Create user groups ‘users’ (all licence privileges) and ‘admins’ (all fucntion privileges).
ARIS management by CLI tools
Create a new user and assign him/her to “users” gourp
ARIS client will use directory ${ARIS_HOME}/ARIS10 to store downloaded artefacts
the client is looking for “javaw.exe” and “java.exe” in Java system property “sun.boot.library.path”, however,
it is executing the enquoted filepath (e.g., ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/amd64/javaw.exe) not as a path but as a filename in directory ${ARIS_HOME}/ARIS10/DownloadClient/${SERVER_IP},
so it results into IOException “No such file or directory” (fix by a symlink to ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java doest not help)